How I Lost Weight in Winter!

Losing weight in winter is unheard of for me. I dread winter. Not only because of the freezing cold, but I know year after year, every winter, I put on weight. Even more so, now that I am a Mum. My mission to go to the gym constantly gets knocked back because either:

– I am sick
– My daughter is sick and therefore I can’t take her to the creche at the gym
– Hubby is sick, so he can’t pick up my daughter from child care after work which is when I usually try to go to the gym.

Winter also creates another problem – all I want to do is eat. And eat bad stuff. I just crave pasta, burgers, chips…all the fatty foods I can get my hands on. When its summer, I don’t usually crave carbs like this, but I can’t help it during the colder months.

So given the dilemma I face, I was really excited to trial Lite ‘n’ Easy for 2 weeks. Having never tried Lite ‘n’ Easy before, I had no idea what to expect. 

First box

First impressions on opening the box:

Easy to understand. Each bag was labeled as either Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner and also what day it should be consumed.
– Easy to store. Each bag indicates whether it should be frozen or refrigerated.
– Easy to put together. When you have to serve a meal, its super easy and fast!

Eggs Benedict
Breakfast – Eggs Benedict

Why I loved Lite ‘n’ Easy

Convenience. In the mornings, I am in a mad rush getting a 2 year old ready for child care and myself ready for work, and we are more often than not running late. Its so amazing to be able to just grab my bags for breakfast and lunch, pop it in my handbag, and off we go.
Snacks. You get two snacks, one for the morning and one for the afternoon. I am definitely a snacker but when I do want to snack, I usually grab something that isn’t healthy…muffin, chips, cookies! Not exactly helping in me losing weight.
Variety. I really don’t like eating the same thing everyday, and this is why I have always struggled with eating cereal for breakfast everyday, so most times, I just don’t eat breakfast which I know isn’t a good thing for my metabolism. The fact that you have a different breakfast, lunch and dinner provided everyday is awesome! And the menus change every season and you have a 4 week rotating menu per season with two options within each week. There is soooo much variety.
Saving. When I worked out how much I spend on buying breakfast and lunch most days and getting home delivery for dinner at least twice a week versus what Lite ‘n’ Easy cost per week, well hands down Lite ‘n’ Easy ends up being much cheaper. For $144 a week (1200 calorie program) you get all 3 meals plus 2 snacks which ends up being roughly $6.85 per meal! Plus you just can’t put a price on convenience and ease as well.

Beef Nachos
Lunch – Beef Nachos

So how much did I lose…

After sticking to Lite ‘n’ Easy for one week and going to the gym once that week, I managed to lose 1kg! The second week was a bit of a bad week because over the weekend I had a Friday night out with some friends (pizza and wine), Saturday we had two birthday parties and Sunday a baptism! So I didn’t get the the chance to stick to Lite ‘n’ Easy like the week before and I only went to the gym once again, so the second week I only managed to lose 0.5kg. But to be honest, I was stoked to lose even 1 kilo.

Dinner - Tasmanian Salmon Pasta
Dinner – Tasmanian Salmon Pasta

And now?

So now that my two week trial is over, I have continued using Lite ‘n’ Easy and I have gone with the Breakfast and Lunch meal plans (by the way, they give you various meal options so you don’t feel like you have to take all 3 meals) and the only reason I dropped the dinner option is because my little girl only wants to eat what I eat, so I prefer eating the same dinner together and sticking to the fantastic breakfasts and lunches. I am loving Lite ‘n’ Easy! They have truly helped kick start my weight loss and has made my life as a working Mum, who is also studying, that much easier and I am ever so grateful for that.

Lite ‘n ‘ Easy 2 week trial provided in kind. 

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