Big Feelings by Rebekah Ballagh

This is one of the most gorgeous and relevant books I have read to my 8 and 4 year old in a while.

This book is all about giving your children (and yourself as a parent!) the tools and understanding of feelings when it comes to children.

It talks about feelings (good and bad) in a way that children can relate to. It provides children with coping mechanisms and helps parents to also help their children manage their rollercoaster of emotions.

The illustrations are colourful and fun, making the discussion about feelings, not a daunting one – but one that is fun and lighthearted.

With my 4 year old starting school next year, this is a book we will be revisiting for years to come.

The author Rebekah Ballagh is a qualified counsellor and an advocate for emotional management.

Genre: From 3 years